Early Admission Pathway

The Early Admission Pathway (EAP) to NDSU's PharmD program is an early assurance program designed for academically qualified high school students who want an affordable, expedited path to a PharmD degree. If you are interested in EAP, you would apply during your senior year in high school. Acceptance into the EAP programs means that you are conditionally accepted to the PharmD program. As long as you successfully complete all requirements to maintain your spot, we assure you a seat in the final four years of the PharmD program. Thus if you meet program requirements, it is a six-year path (saves up to 2 years of time in college). Sophomore EAP (P.5) students pay differential tuition and are considered professional-level students. 

The Early Admissions Pathway (EAP) uses standardized exam scores (and more specifically, your percentile ranking on composite scores relative others who take the same test in your state or nationally) as the primary selection criterion. High school grade point average is utilized as a secondary criterion. The NDSU Pharmacy Admissions Committee prefers the ACT or SAT exam as its standardized test. For students who are unable to take the ACT or SAT exam, the NDSU Pharmacy Admissions Committee may substitute another standardized assessment in lieu of the ACT or SAT. Examples include (but are not limited to) the PSAT exam, the Pre-ACT Exam, the PARCC Assessment, the Smarter Balanced Assessment, the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment, or the North Dakota State Assessment, among others.

Please contact the Pharmacy Admissions Committee Chair if you wish to substitute another national assessment for the ACT or SAT. Scores should be taken as a sophomore, junior, or senior in high school. Students may be asked to upload a copy or screenshot of their test results (if a test other than the ACT or SAT exam is used) at the time the EAP application is submitted.

Application deadline is August 1, 2025, for fall 2025. 

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