Intellectual Property

In the broadest definition, Intellectual Property (IP) is any creation of the mind which includes research results, biological materials, engineering drawings, integrated circuit designs, computer databases, prototypes, plant varieties, computer programs, mathematical algorithms, architectural plans, musical scores, films, plays, and works of art. 

The potential value of Intellectual Property developed at NDSU by its faculty, staff, and students is recognized by NDSU Policy 190 and North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Policy 611.2.  In addition, the North Dakota State Legislature acknowledged the value of research done at NDSU and the other institutions of higher education within the state by granting university research records exempt from North Dakota's open records law (NDCC § 44-04-18.4) until publicly released, published or patented.

To learn more about intellectual property and how it is protected at NDSU, please visit the links below. 

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