Gamma Sigma Delta Research Symposium
Information for Participants
If you are interested in presenting your research at the Gamma Sigma Delta Research Symposium, please review the information below.
Participant Registration Opens Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
Participant Registration closes at 12pm (noon) on Friday, March 15, 2024.
Guidelines and Expectations
All communications regarding this event will be made through the official NDSU email system (using your email address).
By completing the registration process for Student Research Days, you authorize the publication of your first and last name with your abstract.
The Student Research Days event will be open to the public. Please ensure that any materials presented can be released publicly.
If you have questions, please contact
Any graduate or undergraduate student with a research project related to agriculture, including (but not necessarily limited to) projects in the following areas:
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Engineering
- Animal Science
- Biotechnology
- Breeding
- Food Science
- Food Systems
- Genetics
- Microbiology
- Natural Resources
- Pathology
- Physiology
- Production
- Range Science
- Soil Science
Projects or papers utilizing human or animal research subjects must have approval from the appropriate compliance committees.
Note: each student can only participate in one of the Student Research Days events.
If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact
Wednesday, April 9, 2025:
Undergraduate student poster session and oral presentations.
Thursday, April 10, 2025:
Graduate student poster session and oral presentations.
Project Types
Poster Presentations:
- Poster size should not exceed 3' x 4' (36 inches x 48 inches).
- Presenters are expected to stand at their poster during the assigned poster presentation time to answer questions about their research.
- Display equipment in the form of flex screens and pins will be provided. If your project has other set-up needs, please
- Resources for developing effective posters >>
Oral Presentations:
- Create a presentation in PowerPoint using the 16:9 aspect ratio and make sure to check if the animations or the videos you plan to include work properly.
- Presentations will be limited to 8 minutes in length, followed by approximately 2 minutes for questions.
- Timecards will be shown to you during your presentation to remind you of the remaining time.
- The audience will not all be subject matter experts, so prepare your presentation in layman's terms to ensure understanding by a general audience.
- Bring your presentation with you to your session on a USB drive.
- Resources for developing effective presentations >>
Use this required template for your abstract. Note that abstracts are limited to 350 words.
Abstracts are due by 12pm (noon) on March 15, 2024. They can be submitted via email to
Graduate Poster Session Awards
- First Place - $200
- Second Place - $100
Graduate Oral Presentation Awards
- First Place - $200
- Second Place - $100
Undergraduate Poster Session Awards
- First Place - $200
- Second Place - $100
Undergraduate Oral Presentation Awards
- First Place - $200
- Second Place - $100
Projects will be evaluated based on content, presentation, and any supporting documentation or visual aids (i.e., posters or a slide deck).
If you have questions, contact
Ready to Register?
Note: each student can only participate in one of the Student Research Day events.
Make sure you have the following information before registering:
- Contact information (for you and your faculty mentor)
- Title of your presentation / project
- Type of presentation (oral / poster)
- Abstract (this can also be uploaded later)