Accessible Digital Text

Providing electronic text is crucial for students with disabilities due to its inherent accessibility features and flexibility. Electronic text allows for various accommodations to be easily implemented, benefiting students with visual impairments, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities. By utilizing screen readers, adjustable font sizes, color contrast settings, and other assistive technologies, students can access course materials in a way that suits their specific needs. Additionally, electronic text enables efficient searching, highlighting, note-taking, and annotation, supporting students' organization and comprehension. It also promotes inclusion by minimizing the stigma associated with traditional accommodations, fostering a more inclusive learning environment for all students. Overall, the provision of electronic text empowers students with disabilities to fully engage in their education and achieve their academic goals.

Properly formatting electronic text in a classroom is crucial for students with disabilities. By adhering to appropriate formatting standards such as using clear headings, consistent font styles and sizes, well-structured paragraphs, and appropriate color contrast, students with visual impairments or learning disabilities can effectively navigate and comprehend the content. Additionally, proper formatting facilitates the use of assistive technologies like screen readers, text-to-speech software, and alternative input methods, enabling students with disabilities to engage with the material on an equal footing with their peers. Ultimately, by prioritizing proper formatting, NDSU can foster an inclusive educational experience that empowers all students to thrive academically.

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