
The latest news, announcements, and happenings from all OTL programs.

OTL Updates & News

Applications due February 11, 2022!

By David Robson for BBC
January 1 may seem like an arbitrary date to start self-improvement, but there are good psychological reasons for doing so.

Read the Article >>…

Selected proposals will create short workshop videos (10 minutes or less) demonstrating the practical application of a concept in their field of study for a high school student audience. These videos…

Providing little hints throughout the semester can help
your students succeed.

Hint #3: Find a good study space on campus that works for
you. Spaces include your residence hall/apartment, the

Read a recap on this session at the 2021 Teaching and Learning Conference.

Once again, we invite you to share your teaching expertise by offering timely, relevant teaching topics during our annual summer professional development series. By offering a professional development…

The Blackboard Teaching Assistant Learning Community members have been updated based on the upcoming semester teaching assistants.

Graduate Students: If you find that you have been removed in error…

By Sarah Pruitt
The custom of making New Year’s resolutions has been around for thousands of years, but it hasn’t always looked the way it does today.

Read the Article >>…

Why you should get your SREs in early this semester.

Providing little hints throughout the semester can help
your students succeed.

Hint #2: Identify the office hours on your syllabi for each class
and keep the list handy for when you need them!


Create a workshop video today and share your degree program with high school students.

Find out when you need to be registered for classes by.

Join this new book club today!

The Harvard Health Publishing blog offers Seven Steps for Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick. While this article is written for the standard resolutions people make, these steps may also be…

Remember this one thing if you plan to complete the College Teaching Certificate this semester.

Once again, we invite you to share your teaching expertise by offering timely, relevant teaching topics during our annual summer professional development series. By offering a professional development…

Join this book club today!

Providing little hints throughout the semester can help
your students succeed.

Hint #1: Ensure your class registration is final, inquire about wait
lists if needed, and introduce yourself to your…

Read a recap of the Ungrading session at the 2021 Teaching and Learning Conference.

Do this important step before your next BlackBoard Login.

How do you manage your story through the use of assessment?

Remember to sign up.

Do you have a word of the year?

Read a recap of this session at the 2021 Teaching and Learning Mini-Virtual Conference.

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