
The latest news, announcements, and happenings from all OTL programs.

NEW Instructional Design Assistance

Learn why working with the new instructional design team can enhance your teaching.

If you could save time on teaching preparation would you? What about being able to increase performance or retention of information in your class, would you want to know how? When you work with a trained instructional designer they become your partner in making these things happen. Instructional designers help you find appropriate technology and methods of teaching to ensure your curriculum is engaging and fully accessible to all students. Working with an instructional designer allows you to find instructional efficiencies you may not have been aware of. Through a new collaboration, NDSU faculty and instructors now have access to a team of trained instructional technology specialists in NDSU's Learning and Applied Innovation (LAI) office. Whether you are an experienced teacher looking for a few curriculum design tips or a faculty member new to teaching, you can benefit from a consultation with them. Instructional design is an important element in ensuring your students are learning your content efficiently and remembering what they learned. Schedule a consultation with the LAI Instructional Design team today. Learn more >>

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