
The latest news, announcements, and happenings from all OTL programs.

Student Course Experience Surveys - Important Updates

During the 2022-23 academic year, a designated task force studied the Student Course Experience Surveys (SCES formerly SROIs) process to identify sustainable best practices for administration and data collection.

The task force sought input from numerous students, faculty, and staff and resulted in the following updates:

  • All SCES starting fall 2023 will be electronic through Qualtrics and administered by OTL.

  • Surveys will include the 9 approved items; no additional items will be added; instructors are invited to collect any additional information using a different tool.

  • Surveys will be administered on a standard schedule of 3 weeks prior to the end of class not including finals week.

  • Courses and instructors will be identified using our official campus system, Campus Connection, saving time for your administrative assistants who will no longer submit course lists.

  • Courses with multiple instructors will have one survey listing all the instructors.

  • Reports will not be generated, meaning data will be suppressed, for courses with enrollment of less than 5 students. This data will be maintained and aggregated across semesters as appropriate; 400-600 sections will be merged.

OTL will continue to work with Student Government and provide support to faculty to raise awareness and provide incentives to improve response rates.

The task force included Dr. Emily Berg, director of OIRA; Dr. Jeff Johnson, chair of Senate Faculty Affairs; Linda Charlton-Gunderson, Qualtrics administrator; Curt Doetkott, statistical consultant;  and Provost Bertolini.

If you have any questions, please let either Dr. Stacy Duffield or Provost David Bertolini know.

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