Britt Heidinger

Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Phone: (701) 231-5377 (Voicemail Only)
Office: Stevens 225
Lab Home Page
Research Interests
Physiological mechanisms underlying life-history strategies, with an emphasis on understanding the hormonal and cellular mechanisms of aging in birds. Current research is focused on examining how variation in stress responsiveness and exposure to stressors influences telomere dynamics.
Recent Publications
Watson, H., Bolton, M., Heidinger, B.J., Monaghan, P. 2021. Effects of human disturbance on postnatal growth and baseline corticosterone in a long-lived bird. Conservation Phyisol.
Marasco, V., Boner, W., Griffiths, K., Heidinger, B.J., and Monaghan, P. 2021. Repeated exposure to challenging environmental conditions influences telomere dynamics across adult life as predicted by changes in mortality risk. FASEB.
Heidinger, B. J., Kucera, A., Kittilson, J., Westneat, D. 2021. Longer telomeres during early life predict higher lifetime reproductive success in females but not males. Proc. Roy. Soc. B.
Sauer, D. Heidinger, B. J., Kittilson, J.D., Lackmann, A. R., Clark, M.E. 2021. No evidence of physiological declines with age in an extremely long-lived fish. Scientific Reports.
Sepp, T., Meitern, R., Heidinger, B., Noreikiene, K., Rattiste, K., Horak, P., Saks, L., Kittilson, J., Janek, U., Giraudeau, M. 2021. Parental age does not influence offspring telomeres during early life in common gulls (Larus canus). Mol. Ecol.