Marinus Otte
Department of Biological Sciences
Phone: Email Only
Office: Stevens 121
Lab Home Page
Research Interests
Responses of wetland plants to changes in their environment. 'Extreme' wetlands. Elemental uptake by wetland plants associated with hot springs. Metal tolerance in wetland plants. Natural and constructed wetlands for improvement of water quality. Wetlands for phytoremediation and phytostabilization of mine wastes.
Recent Publications
Kuo P-H, Shih S-S, Fang W-T; Otte ML (2021). Developing riverscape indices and associated fish habitat quality to examine the effects of habitat fragmentation and river corridor disruption. Journal of Environmental ManagementVolume 296, 15 October 2021, 113197
Otte ML, Fang W-T, Jiang M (2021) A framework for identifying reference wetland conditions in highly altered landscapes. WETLANDS 41: 40
Yuan Y, Zhu X, Jiang M, Yu H, Otte ML (2021) Interactions between Fe and light strongly affect phytoplankton communities in a eutrophic lake. Ecological Indicators 126: 107664.
Yuan Y, Zhu X, Mushet DM, Solensky M, Otte ML (2021) Chemical connectivity and multi-element composition of groundwater in depressional wetlands. WETLANDS 41:73
Zhu X, Jiang M, Yuxiang Yuan Y, Song C, Li Y, Wang G, Otte ML (2021). Multi-element fingerprinting of soils can reveal conversion of wetlands to croplands. Science of the Total Environment. 752, 15 January 2021, 141997.