
The latest news, announcements, and happenings from all OTL programs.

Last Chance to Submit Your K-12 Educator Professional Development Courses

Use your class to connect with teachers in your field.

Peer Teaching Program at NDSU OTL

We invite individuals from all NDSU departments to connect with K-12 teachers statewide by offering professional development classes in your field or expertise. The Office of Teaching and Learning’s Distance and Continuing Education program is currently seeking high-quality, relevant, graduate-level professional development classes for our annual summer course catalog. Compensation for instructors of professional development courses varies.

Share what you know so K-12 teachers can use the understanding, skills, and applications in the classroom tomorrow. North Dakota teachers are required to take graduate-level professional development classes to maintain their teaching license.

Contact Stacy Duffield or Barb Schumacher to discuss offering summer courses.

Or, view more information on our website >> 

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