Pre-Veterinary Medicine

NDSU has no official Pre-Veterinary Medicine degree program, but students can complete their pre-veterinary medicine requirements as part of any degree program they choose. The Biomedical Science option in Animal Science provides students with the opportunity to complete all of the requirements for admission to veterinary colleges in the United States, Canada, and some foreign countries. We encourage all students to pursue a formal degree for several reasons. Most veterinary colleges give extra credit for completion of a degree when you apply. Additionally, a significant number of students make changes in career goals while at NDSU. Therefore, identifying a degree program early saves time later.
Admission requirements for veterinary colleges can differ so it is important to identify early in your degree program to which veterinary colleges you will most likely apply. Requirements can be found on each college’s website and will be helpful when planning your degree program. The Department of Animal Sciences has experienced advisors that are valuable resources in this process. The Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) also contains information on applying to vet school and has links to many veterinary college websites.
North Dakota is an affiliate member of the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE) which provides access to educational opportunities for North Dakota students at veterinary colleges in all western states. The North Dakota University System also maintains membership in the North Dakota/Minnesota Reciprocity program which is set up so North Dakota residents who attend Minnesota colleges and universities don’t have to pay out-of-state tuition. The Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) provides access to out-of-state institutions for North Dakota residents wanting to enter veterinary medicine or other professional programs not available in North Dakota.