North Dakota's Land-Grant, Research University
The NDSU College of Engineering is an economic engine for the state and region. We educate students, conduct primary research, create new knowledge and advance technology. We believe graduate and undergraduate students should be directly involved in world-class research and we hire top researchers in their disciplines to teach our students. This is a place where ideas become opportunities.

AT NDSU, YOU CAN: » Conduct research and get hands-on learning in top-notch laboratories and classrooms. » Learn how to address problems in systematic yet creative ways. » Become an entrepreneur. » Create intellectual property, which creates new business opportunity and jobs. » Discover how you can make a difference in the world. » Get extensive support along the way.
Grand Challenge Initiative
Kalpana Katti wouldn’t call the project she leads a miracle. But it could be. Katti helped pioneer a way to use clay to generate material that closely resembles human bone. That innovation will be used as the foundation of the Center for Engineered Cancer Test Beds.
The center is part of the university’s Grand Challenge Initiative, which focuses NDSU’s research expertise and resources on solving some of the world’s most complex problems.
A fundamental theme of NDSU's Strategic Plan is to advance NDSU’s stature as a nationally and internationally recognized research university, engage in transformative research and creative activity, and increase the quality and quantity of scholarly activities to generate new insights and knowledge that will benefit the state and address central challenges of our global future.
North Dakota State University is designated as an R1 research institution by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Carnegie’s R1 distinction is its highest classification and is presented to only the top research institutions in the country.

Our engineering complex has numerous laboratories to learn, conduct research and perform experiments with industry-standard, technologically advanced equipment.

NDSU is interested in hearing what your company needs to succeed in a competitive global market. Let's talk about how your company’s goals fit into potential opportunities to collaborate.

NDSU's Office of Research and Creative Activity is committed to solving complex and evolving Grand Challenges and supports research and creative activity across all disciplines at NDSU.
Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research occurs in every discipline at NDSU, it promotes development of critical thinking and problem solving skills, provides opportunities for networking and public speaking and is a powerful career development opportunity.
- Research is a great addition to a resumé or graduate school application, and the more experience you have, the greater the payoff.
- The best way to find an undergraduate research experience is to ASK! If your professor is doing work that you find interesting, ask if they know of any opportunities to get involved.
- Many undergraduate research opportunities do not require that you have previous research experience – it’s a place for you to learn those skills!
Research Areas by Department
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
NDSU Research Foundation
The NDSU Research Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organization established to support North Dakota State University in achieving its instructional, research, public service, and academic goals.
The foundation was developed to provide private support for the University by protecting, adding value to, and commercializing intellectual property that is developed through research activities at the university.
Institute for Cyber Security Education and Research
The Institute for Cyber Security Education and Research aims to meet the public need for leading-edge cybersecurity software development and information technology practices.
It has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Research by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency,
North Dakota EPSCoR
The overall goal of the North Dakota Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (ND EPSCoR) is to increase the competitiveness of North Dakota for merit-based grants and contracts in support of research in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from federal funding agencies in an atmosphere that promotes leadership, teamwork and the convergence of those sciences.
Through EPSCoR, participating jurisdictions are building a high-quality, university-based research effort that is serving as the backbone of their scientific and technological enterprise, capable of ensuring a strong and stable economic base into the next century.