Course Materials

This section includes information on ordering course materials, links to multi-media, and other academic resources for your course.



Ordering Course Materials

In the age of online ordering, it seems that supplying the NDSU Bookstore with your course materials order might be just another step you could eliminate when preparing your course. However, this notion is wrong. The NDSU Bookstore is required by law to maintain information about course materials for each class offered each semester at NDSU. Even if you are not requiring any materials for your course, it is very important to let the NDSU Bookstore know.


When to Order

Course material orders are due as early as eight weeks prior to the start of the semester in which you will be teaching. It is best to get your course materials order in before that deadline because, it gives their staff time to search for used books on the national market and makes it possible for them to pay up to 10% more than the market price to students for texts that have been readopted. This saves your students money.  It gives them time to review all the orders to ensure they fully understand which materials faculty want and to ensure they can properly identify the ISBN and publisher or other source. It also gives them time to communicate with you if there are problems, such as titles being out-of-stock, out-of-print or available in a new edition that you didn’t specify.

Course Materials Order Deadlines:
April 1st  |  Fall & summer semesters
November 1st  |  Spring semester


Course Materials Ordering Process

The course materials ordering cycle simplified:

  1. Course materials are selected by the instructor.
  2. Adoption information is submitted to the bookstore.
  3. Bookstore researches availability.
  4. Bookstore determines quantities and acquires inventory.
  5. Books arrive and new term begins.
  6. Unsold books are returned to vendors after midterms.
  7. And the cycle begins again…

View the video below for more details on ordering course materials or contact the NDSU Bookstore for questions about your course materials order. 




In the week before or the first week of class, check on your books/materials in the Bookstore to ensure the books are in and there are adequate numbers for your course enrollment.



Tools for Teachers

Apple's App Store - This page segments some of the most popular apps for teachers by the following topics: The Basics, Classroom Management, Time Savers, Get Inspired, Class Projects, Assessment, and Reference. If you find an app that is useful to teaching or learning, be sure to share it with your colleagues and students. 



Free Course Content Online

MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching)
An online learning and professional review organization, MERLOT also maintains an extensive library of educator-reviewed multimedia and course content for a wide array of subject areas.

MIT's OpenCourseWare
From the website: A free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.

The Open University, UK - OpenLearn
Free educational resources; available for download, modification, and re-sharing.

Creative Commons
From the website: Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." We're a nonprofit organization. Everything we do - including the software we create - is free. Creative Commons also provides a library of materials that are available for free use by educators for educational endeavors.

A site for free images, illustrations, vectors, videos, and music to enhance your presentations. 

A site for free music, video, and sound effects to enhance your presentations.




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