Faculty Fellows Program
The Faculty Fellows program provides established faculty members the opportunity to enhance their academic leadership skills, bring faculty expertise and voice to administrative offices, and to gain insight into administrative practices and offices. This is a pilot program sponsored by the Office of the Provost. The initial program seeks to appoint up to four Faculty Fellows in offices that report to the Provost, including Office of Research and Creative Activity (RCA), Information Technology Division (IT), the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, and the Office of the Provost.
Faculty Fellows will work closely with the leadership and staff in the selected office to learn the functions of the unit, to provide a faculty perspective on the unit, and to advance the mission of the unit.
Faculty Fellows will be expected to spend approximately four hours per week in residence in the unit, to attend regular meetings of the unit, and to complete a special project. In return, the fellow will receive $5000 in compensation during the term of the appointment. You must be eligible to receive such compensation in order to be selected. In addition, only faculty at rank Associate or higher (tenured or non-tenured) who have been at NDSU for at least five years may apply. This program is open to faculty in all disciplines. Appointments are for six months, with start and end dates negotiable.
To apply, please send a CV and a brief statement of interest to Vice Provost Canan Bilen-Green. Please indicate the office in which you are interested. You may indicate an interest in more than one office. Applications are due on March 9th and selections will be made March 19th.