Students are expected to monitor their account in Campus Connection and ensure that NDSU receives payment in full in a timely manner. In the fall and spring semesters, financial aid is disbursed during the third week of class and the official payment due date is the following day. No holds will be placed on the student account if payment is received within the two weeks following the semester due date. The semester due date may be found within NDSU’s published Dates & Deadlines.
Past due student accounts are subject to registration and transcript holds and may result in late payment fees and/or the cancellation of registration.
Please note: Currently enrolled students are NOT mailed paper invoices and/or statements. Instead, a monthly reminder email is sent to the student indicating that an electronic billing statement has been generated and is available for review. Account information is accessible any time via Campus Connection in the Financial Account tile of the Student Homepage. Students hold the sole responsibility for reviewing their account for accuracy and making timely payments. For more detailed information regarding the financial responsibilities of the student, please review the Financial Obligation Agreement.
Billing Notifications via Text Message
Student account billing statements are generated between the 16th and 20th of each month and students are notified via NDSU email that the statement is available for viewing. Students may elect to also receive a monthly text message reminder, in addition to the email. Instructions regarding how to set up text notifications may be found below, as well as an example of the text that will be received each month.
Instructions to Set Up Text Notifications
- Log in to Campus Connection
- In the Financial Account tile, click on Pay Online Now, and then the NDSU banner, which will then direct you to the Nelnet bill payment system.
- Click User Preferences in the left menu.
- Under SMS option, enter your mobile phone number and select the appropriate carrier from the drop down menu.
- under Notification, check the SMS box.
- Click on Save.
International Sponsors and Billing
International Sponsors
Some International students (e.g. F and J visa status) may have a sponsor organization in their home country or elsewhere that has agreed to pay all or part of their expenses at NDSU. In these instances, NDSU will bill the sponsor on behalf of the student and can send an invoice to the sponsor. However, to do so, NDSU must receive written authorization in advance of the start of the semester and, to maintain this arrangement, the sponsor must make payment in a timely manner.
Written Authorization Requirements - Financial Guarantee
All international sponsors will be required to provide written proof of their intent to financially sponsor the student. This authorization must contain all of the elements listed below.
- North Dakota State University must be named as the school of attendance.
- Student’s full name and date of birth.
- An explanation of the charges that will and will not be paid by the scholarship. Examples of common NDSU charges are below. Please note that all sponsors are charged a mandatory sponsorship fee.
- Tuition
- Student fees
- Immigration fee //International Student Support Services fee
- Orientation fee
- Student identification card
- New student fee
- Dormitory/housing
- Meal plan
- Books
- International health insurance
- Note: NDSU typically does not bill sponsors for library fines, student health services or dormitory damages. If you want NDSU to bill for these charges or other charges not stated here, this must be reflected in the written authorization.
- Semester(s) and/or dates of eligibility.
- Sponsor’s contact information including name, mailing address, phone number and email address.
- Billing contact name and email address (person to whom the invoice should be emailed)
Billing Process
- The invoice for payment will be sent to the sponsor approximately two weeks after the start of the semester.
- Invoices are sent via email.
- Payment must be made in timely manner: Payment in full is due six weeks after issuance of invoice.
- Funds may be transferred to NDSU using our international payment service, NDSU does not release banking information (e.g. account number, routing number).
- Failure to make payment in a timely manner will result in the student not being allowed to enroll in subsequent semesters. Please note that for students in F or J visa status, immigration status issues may arise if a student is not registered for classes at the start of the semester.
- Diplomas and transcripts can be delayed due to unpaid account balances as well.
Other Account Charges
Other charges you could see on your account: Other Charges
NDSU Customer Account Services facilitates the processes used for assessing and collecting tuition, fees and other costs of attendance. Payments can be made the following ways: online, by mail, in person, international wire transfers, monthly payment plan
Payment Methods
Account Holds/ Late Payment Fees
Please note: Check payments, including money orders and college savings plan payments, should be made out to NDSU and mailed to:
Customer Account Services
NDSU Department 3110
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
*Please include the student name and ID number to ensure proper posting.