Faculty Awards and Recognition

Campus Community: Nominations are invited for faculty awards processed through Faculty Affairs/Office of the Provost listed below. 

Nominations may be submitted by faculty, staff, students, alumni, and administrators (see below for more information). Self-nominations will be accepted to ensure that there are multiple pathways to nomination. Nomination materials should be sent by email to Ann Fredrickson.

Nominations must include a nomination letter (no more than two pages) or nomination form, accompanied by a curriculum vitae (no more than three pages), and should clearly describe how the nominee meets the award criteria (see below for nomination materials for each award). For descriptions of each award, criteria, and nomination materials, please see below or the awards web page maintained by Faculty Affairs: https://www.ndsu.edu/facultyaffairs/awards/

Award recipients will be honored at the annual Celebration of Excellence on May 1, 2025, 2:00-3:30 pm in the Memorial Union Oceti Sakowin Ballroom. The Faculty Awards and Recognition Committee will review all nominations and select finalists for each award based upon the candidate’s nomination materials after the stated deadline. Please see the awards web page for information about the awards committee and nominations received in the last three years.

If you have any questions about these upcoming awards, please contact Carrie Anne Platt, 231-7294.

See Award Categories and Required Nomination Materials

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