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Next Generation Sequencing



Image of sequencers

The Illumina MiniSeq and MiSeq enable flexible choices to handle many of your Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) needs. We have used these machines to sequence microbial metagenomes, transcriptomes and 16S taxonomic profiles from a variety of sources (soil, plants, animals, water, cultures). While we specialize in microbe sequencing in our Department, these instruments can be used for a wide array of sequencing projects. The Biotech Innovation Core is equipped with all of the ancillary equipment required to create, quantify and perform QA/QC on NGS libraries.




The TapeStation Bioanalyzer allows for precise sizing and quantification of DNA and RNA samples. DNA tapes for fragment sizes less than 1000 bp are available for purchase from the Biotech Innovation Core. Users are welcome to bring their own reagents if they choose to use other available tape options (RNA, Genomic DNA etc).