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Lab Members


Our lab group changes frequently as students go on to complete their degrees; this is our current "crop" of scientists. To see Geddes lab alumni, scroll down.


Photo of Megan Ramsett

Megan Ramsett
Research Specialist

I keep the lab running smoothly, helping students with their work and making sure everything is stocked and ready; managing a variety of timelines, lab equipment, and procedures with years of skill. My diverse background also includes experience in molecular biology, greenhouse management, and fieldwork with various plant species.

Photo of Eglantina Lopez Echartea

Eglantina Lopez Echartea
Post-Doctoral Fellow

I am an environmental microbiologist who studies how microbial communities change and restructure in response to biotic and/or abiotic factors. I combine molecular and cultured based techniques with meta-omics technologies to understand such interactions and the driven dynamics. I currently work on a project to study the microbiome of dry edible pea and better understand microbe-plant-soil interactions towards a sustainable intensification of agriculture.  

I received my Ph.D. in Microbiology in 2020 from the University of Chemistry and Technology of Prague, Czech Republic. I have a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the Ghent University, Belgium. 

Photo of Urmi Das

Urmi Das
Graduate Student (PhD)

I am a graduate PhD student in Dr Geddes’s lab. I am from Bangladesh. I earned my bachelor’s and master’s degree in Botany from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh before starting the PhD in Fall 2021 at North Dakota State University. My research interests lie in the area of plant-microbe interactions. As part of the PhD project, I am working on the diversity and structures of the microbiome in response to iron deficiency chlorosis in soybean plants, and also studying persistence of specific bacterial strains in a system to stabilize plant beneficial microbes within microbiome through synthetic 16S rRNA gene. I love traveling and watching movies.

Photo of Garret Levin

Garret Levin
Graduate Student (PhD)

My work involves identifying genes involved in symbiotic effectiveness between rhizobia and legumes. I enjoy fishing, watching baseball, listening to music, and eating good food.

Photo of Jake Schumacher

Jake Schumacher
Graduate Student (PhD)

My research involves nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbionts. The goal with this work is to support the eventual creation of bacteria capable of fixing nitrogen in cereal crops. When I am not in the lab, you can find me on a soccer field or throwing a frisbee around with some friends.

Photo of Gayathri Senanayake

Gayathri Senanayake
Graduate Student (PhD)

I am from the pearl of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka.
My PhD project focuses on finding the minimal gene set required by Mesorhizobium to establish efficient symbiosis. Within that, I create deletions in the genome using FLP/FRT recombination, develop synthetic molecular biology tools using fluorescence proteins to assess those and try to optimize CRISPR techniques to make larger deletions in Rhizobia.
When I’m not in the lab, my main pass times are travelling, cooking, growing ornamental plants, playing board games and swimming.

Photo of Brooke Benz

Brooke Benz
Graduate student (Masters)

Co-supervised with Dr. Tom Baldwin (NDSU Plant Pathology)

I am currently studying how the barley spike microbiome changes when in the presence of the fungal pathogen Fusarium graminearum that causes Fusarium Head Blight versus non-diseased spikes. In my free time I like to play board games and video games, and read sci-fi and fantasy books.

Photo of Ahmad Ardi

Ahmad Ardi
Graduate Student (Masters)

I am working on enhancing nitrogen fixation through synthetic biology: combining genes, promoters, and terminators to make a new design that does not exist naturally. I am also establishing bioreporters for gene expression. I enjoy working in a lab, and I also like cooking. Fun fact: I am from Indonesia, the only place you can find living dragons (Komodo dragons) and gorgeous triangle coral reefs.

Photo of Lucas Andes

 Lucas Andes
Graduate Student (Masters)

In the spring 2021, I graduated from NDSU with a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology. Currently I am pursuing a master’s degree in Microbiology in Dr. Geddes’ lab, working on a project to develop a means of quantifying the Rhizobia present in the soil. It is our hope to be able to identify a threshold of Rhizobia for various legumes to determine if farmers will benefit from inoculating their fields. By doing these two things we hope to reduce the cost of planting for farmers by reducing the unnecessary use of inoculated seeds.

Photo of Ahmad al-Ahmad

Ahmad al-Ahmad
Graduate Student (Masters)

I'm working on establishing artificial symbiotic relations between Rhizobia and Legumes. I am pursuing a master's degree in Microbiology under the supervision of Dr. Geddes. My undergraduate degree was completed at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I was lucky enough to participate in a biodiversity study involving yeasts isolated from global soil samples directed by Dr. Jianping Xu. I enjoy cooking, and my favourite beans are Favas!

Photo of Natalie Visich

Natalie Visich
Graduate Student (Masters)

I started my Master’s degree in the Geddes lab in Fall 2024. In Spring 2024, I graduated from NDSU with bachelor’s degrees in Microbiology and Biotechnology. My research is focused on understanding genes within the Rhizobia leguminosarum genome which impact symbiotic effectiveness. I am also interested in discovering how one of my genes of interest is impacting the production of a carbon storage compound, PHB. When I’m not in the lab, I love to bake, knit, read, and do jigsaw puzzles.

Photo of Mia Haugan

Mia Haugan
​Graduate Student (Masters)

I am an accelerated masters student exploring how bacteria associated with the alfalfa root microbiome colonize the root system and impact plant health. When not in the lab, I can usually be found outside learning more about nature, rock climbing, or reading.

Photo of Grace Loegering

Grace Loegering
Undergraduate Student Researcher

I am researching rhizobia strains across different North Dakota soils to find the most elite strains. This research could then be used to tailor-make inoculants for farmers.
Some hobbies of mine include playing the trombone, hunting, taking care of my pet fish, and playing board games. 


Marisa Bennet: REU program Summer 2021 (Developing tools for engineering the microbiome)

Zoe Cho: REU program Summer 2021 (Developing tools for engineering the microbiome)
