Training and Information Links for Student Veteran Allies and Supporters
PsychArmor Institute: Role-based Military Culture Familiarization Modules

The PsychArmor Institute offers concise, free, role-based online training modules to empower civilians unfamiliar with military culture and processes to engage effectively with the military veterans they serve.  Each module is presented by a subject matter expert in their field, and is very professionally done.

If you're a civilian healthcare provider, educator, employer, or family member of a veteran, these short (15 - 30 min), informative presentations can teach you some of the key concepts about military life and veteran experience to help you in your engagement with veterans.

We recommend starting with the introductory course "The 15 Things Veterans Want You to Know", and see where your interests take you next!

Signing up for an account is optional, but free, and will track your progress as you complete modules based on your role, or just take à la carte courses in which you're interested.   

VITAL Program Webinars

The US Department of Veterans Affairs VITAL Office (Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership) typically conducts two free webinars per semester designed to educate college faculty and campus staff on issues relating to student veterans.

Recordings of past webinars will be posted here, along with any materials or handouts from each session.

  • November 2020: "Moral Injury Among Veterans".  Moral injury is the psychological distress a military veteran (or anyone!) may be struggling with after actively participating in (or failing to intervene to prevent) actions that conflict with their moral or religious beliefs.  Outcomes of this webinar include defining the psycho-social challenges associated with moral injury, and exploring evidence-based approaches to mitigating its effects among student veterans.

Presenter: Dr. Jason Nieuwsma, clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University Medical Center.  Dr. Nieuwsma also serves as the Associate Director for VA Mental Health and Chaplaincy, and is a respected expert on addressing moral injury in clinical practice.

Click here for the recording and here to download the presentation slides

Presentations from the 2021 NASPA Symposium on Military-Connected Students

Adapting Campus Veteran Services for Effective Remote Operation

Supporting First-Generation Military-Connected Students

Advancing Veteran Entrepreneurship through Education

Advising the Person: A Critical Component of Veteran Success

Establishing a Campus Veteran Center Advisory Council

Enabling Veteran Transitions into Corporate Leadership

Veteran Peer Advising at DePaul University

Student Veteran Journey Map from Duke University

Female Service Members' Transition to Higher Education

Supporting National Guard and Reserve Component Students

Data Collection Strategies to Measure and Advocate for Military Student Success

Increasing Student Veteran Engagement with Campus Resources

Informing Improved Recognition of Military Learning

Strategies for Supporting Military Student Success

What Services do Military Students Value and Use? Case Study of a Faith-based Institution

Prior Learning Assessments (PLAs) and Student Veterans

Training Writing Style Adjustment for Student Veterans in a Virtual Environment

DoD's Transition Assistance Program (TAP) as a Pathway to Higher Education

Building Community Through Veteran Storytelling at Texas Christian University

Preparing Faculty for Positive Engagement with Student Veterans

Transfer of Military Veteran Community College Students to Four-Year Institutions: A Study

Implementing the "Value-Add" Model in Your Campus Vet Center

Exploring Veteran Identities

Useful, Free, Virtual Tools for Enabling Student Veteran Success: Recommendations from Columbia University

Veteran Resource Center Services in the Remote Learning Era

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