Fitness Programs

Personal training, Focused Fitness Programs, Fitness Assessments and Free GroupFIT Classes.

Fitness Programs

Fitness Programs

Escape your busy schedule and indulge in some time just for you. This class focuses on stretching and relaxation to improve flexibility and mobility, relieve stress, and promote a healthier version of you.

Date: Thursdays throughout January

Time: 12:00 - 12:30 p.m.

Cost: FREE

Location: Studio B

No registration necessary.

This all female workshop aims to educate, empower and inspire women to participate in strength training safely and confidently. Be part of a community of strong, inspired women while learning about the benefits of strength training and proper form and technique. Each session meets once a week on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. for three weeks. 

Dates: Session 1: Jan. 21 - Feb. 4

            Session 2: Feb. 25 - Mar. 18

            Session 3: Apr. 8 - 22

Time: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.

Cost: Students $25, Non-students $30 

Click here to register.

This workshop will bring you onto the weight room floor while the building is closed, to learn about strength exercises and machines, practice techniques, and gain confidence in the Wellness Center weight room. Take part in a XA Beat, dance fitness class, and enjoy snacks after demos of equipment around the weight room floor.

Date: Sunday, Jan. 26

Time: 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Cost: FREE

Registration Deadline: Friday, Jan. 24

Click here to register.

Recover the right way! Participate in this personal trainer-led class to learn how to use foam rollers and recover effectively.

Date: Jan. 21

Time: 7:00 - 7:45 p.m.

Cost: FREE

Registration Deadline: Jan. 20, 4:00 p.m.

Click here to register.

Flow in the gentle glow of candlelight. This all-level yoga class is designed to help you relax and decrease stress while developing strength, focus and flexibility. Join us on select Sunday nights to help prepare for the week ahead. Practice self-care and self-love while taking time for yourself. 

Dates: Feb. 23, Apr. 27

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Cost: FREE

Location: Studio B

No registration necessary.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned competitor, the Wellness Center Indoor Triathlon is a chance to challenge yourself in a competitive but fun indoor event! 10 minute swim, 30 minute bike, 20 minute run on treadmill. Unlike a traditional triathlon, which covers fixed distances of swimming, biking, and running, our indoor triathlon will challenge you to go the greatest distance in a fixed amount of time. 

Date: Saturday, Mar. 22

Time: Check-in begins at 8:15 a.m., and the event starts at 9:00 a.m.

Cost: $30

Final Registration Deadline: Thursday, Mar. 20, 12:00 p.m.

Click here to register.

Need a reason to “glow” to the Wellness Center? Take part in Glow Cycle! Attend your favorite cycling class now with glow sticks and LED lights. 

Dates: Mondays and Thursdays throughout the Spring semester

Time: 5:30 p.m. (Mon), 6:30 p.m. (Thurs)

No registration necessary.

Test your progress with this timed conditioning workout series combining strength and cardio. Improve your performance each month and watch yourself get better throughout the semester!

Dates: Jan. 24, Feb. 21, Mar. 21, Apr. 25

Time: 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.

Registration Deadlines: 4:00 p.m. the day before each session

Cost: FREE

Click here to register.

Become a certified Group Fitness Instructor! Learn the ins and outs of being a Group Fitness Instructor while preparing to take the ACE GFI Exam and begin instructing.

Date: Beginning the week of Feb. 24. Classes scheduled around participants. 

Cost: $280 (price includes text book, study book, practice test, and exam fee)

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 19

Click here to register.

Find your strength at this year's Powerlifting Meet consisting of three lifts - bench press, deadlift and squat. 1st place for male and female lifters each get a Rogue lifting belt.

Date: Saturday, Apr. 5

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Registration Deadline: Thursday, Apr. 3, 12:00 p.m.

Cost: $30 (includes T-shirt)

Click here to register.

Build or continue healthy habits this Spring! Write your name on the Challenge Leaderboards located throughout the Wellness Center and start recording your movement minutes, distances and program participation.

February: Record increments of 15 or 30 minutes of physical activity on the tracker on first floor, reach the goal for the month (150 minutes per week), and be entered to win prizes.

March: Record your GroupFIT class attendance on the tracker on first floor. If you make it to 12 classes for the month, you will be entered to win prizes.

April: Accumulate 90km of biking, 13.1 miles of running, and 20,000 meters of rowing to complete the DriTri and be entered to win prizes.


The NDSU Wellness Center's personal trainers are here to motivate and inspire you to reach your health and fitness goals through safe and effective personalized programs. Our trainers will shape your mind and body into a healthier you!

Our nationally certified personal trainers will provide motivation, education, guidance and individual instruction to improve your overall fitness and achieve the results you want while maximizing your workout and minimizing your risk of injury.

Be inspired and achieve your fitness goals!

The NDSU Wellness Center's personal trainers are here to motivate and inspire you to reach your health and fitness goals through safe and effective personalized programs. Our trainers will shape your mind and body into a healthier you! Our nationally certified personal trainers will provide motivation, education, guidance and individual instruction to improve your overall fitness and achieve the results you want while maximizing your workout and minimizing your risk of injury. See more info here.

Working out is more fun with a friend!

You and one other member will train with a certified personal trainer twice a week for four weeks. Your trainer will help you set realistic goals, then program a workout that accommodates both of your current fitness levels and goals. See more info here. Let’s get training! 

Utilize a Personal Trainer with your friends!

Small Group Training provides a fun, challenging and motivating environment where you and your group will enjoy the benefits of personal training in a group setting. Enjoy the friendly competition and accountability that comes with working out with your friends and one of our Personal Trainers. Small group training sessions are available for groups of 3-6 participants and feature fun, safe and effective movements to help you achieve your fitness goals. See more info here.

GroupFIT classes are FREE for all students and members!

Registration is not required or available for GroupFIT classes. For more information and to veiw the GroupFIT schedule, click here.


Donavan Haugstad
Fitness Coordinator 
(701) 231-7360 


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