Registering for Classes

Common Registration Topics


Appointment Times

Appointment times (when assigned) can be found in Campus Connection's 'Student Center'. Locate the 'Enrollment Dates' box on the right side and select 'details'. This is where specific appointment start times can be found.

Fall 2025
Student Classification Appointment Dates Start Time
GRAD Appointments March 31 - April 1 8 A.M., Monday
GRAD Open Enrollment April 2 12 A.M., Wednesday
P4 March 31 8 A.M., Monday
P3 March 31 1 P.M., Monday
P2 April 1 8 A.M., Tuesday
P1 April 1 1 P.M., Tuesday
PROF Open Enrollment April 21 12 A.M., Monday
Seniors (90+ credits) March 31 - April 2 8 A.M., Monday
Juniors (60-89 credits) April 3-8 8 A.M., Thursday
Sophomores (27-59 credits) April 9-14 8 A.M., Wednesday
Freshman (0-26 credits) April 15-20 8 A.M., Tuesday
UGRD Open Enrollment April 21 12 A.M., Monday
Spring 2025
Student Classification Appointment Dates Start Time
GRAD Appointments November 4-5 8 A.M., Monday
GRAD Open Enrollment November 6 12 A.M., Wednesday
P4 November 4 8 A.M., Monday
P3 November 4 1 P.M., Monday
P2 November 5 8 A.M., Tuesday
P1 November 5 1 P.M., Tuesday
PROF Open Enrollment November 25 12 A.M., Monday
Seniors (90+ credits) November 4-6 8 A.M., Monday
Juniors (60-89 credits) November 7-12 8 A.M., Thursday
Sophomores (27-59 credits) November 13-18 8 A.M., Wednesday
Freshman (0-26 credits) November 19-24 8 A.M., Tuesday
UGRD Open Enrollment November 25 12 A.M., Monday

Register for Classes with Schedule Planner

Schedule Planner is an option in Campus Connection that students can use to find an ideal class schedule. Students are able to select classes based on General Education categories, schedule in breaks for work or athletic practice, and visually compare options that are generated.

Simply log into Campus Connection and locate the Schedule Planner link under Academics. A helpful video tutorial has been created to guide students through Schedule Planner.

Changing your Schedule

  • Add Classes
  • Drop Classes
  • Swap Classes
  • Audit and Pass/Fail Options - Campus Connection does not process these options. Students must bring the appropriate forms to the Office of Registration and Records

    • Audit requests are completed electronically in Campus Connection by the Instructor
    • Completed Pass/Fail Form must be submitted in person to the Office of Registration and Records

    Once an audit or pass/fail request has been processed it CANNOT be reversed; therefore, please check program requirements carefully

Common Enrollment Errors

  • Hold on record
  • Requires department consent
  • Missing co-/pre-requisites
    • Requisites are required by the department and must be taken
    • Transfer students who have taken the course at a previous institution, contact the Office of Registration and Records


  • Waitlists run once daily at approximately 11:00 PM CST until the night before the no-record drop deadline (approximately 7 days into the semester). After that date, the waitlist function is not used.
  • Students are notified via official NDSU email when added to a course via the waitlist. If a student no longer wishes to be enrolled in a waitlisted course, the student is responsible for dropping the course according to posted dates and deadlines.
  • To drop from the waitlist, utilize the Drop function in Campus Connection.
  • Not all departments utilize the waitlist option for courses.
  • A student may be bypassed on the waitlist because of:
    • Missing prerequisite
    • Time conflict
    • Additional class would exceed the maximum credit load

Credit Load

Semester Maximum Credit Load
Fall 15
Spring 15
Summer 9
Fall 20
Spring 20
Summer 15

Graduate students who wishes to exceed this limit must contact the the College of Graduate School and Interdisciplinary Studies.

Undergraduate students who wishes to exceed this limit must have a 3.0 GPA and submit a Petition to Exceed Maximum Credit Load with their adviser's approval.

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for following through on registration procedures. Once registered, if the student decides not to attend NDSU, the student is obligated to terminate registration by cancelling registration or completing withdrawal procedures.

Students are responsible to be aware of all dates and deadlines associated with registration and finances.

Permissions & Permits

Courses may require permission to enroll. Contact the department offering the class or the instructor.

  Timeline Issued Navigation Process
Class Permissions On or before the last day to add classes in Campus Connection Issued by department or instructor Campus Connection Student Records Tile > Curriculum Management > Class Permissions Student self-enrolls in the course after permission is granted
Electronic Permit eForm After the last day to add classes in Campus Connection Issued by department or instructor Campus Connection NDSU eForms Tile > Registration and Records > Admin-Permit Student logs into NDSU eForms tile to approve the permit. After approved, Registration and Records enrolls the student into the course.


Project 65

People aged 65 or over may audit one course per semester free of tuition and fees.  Students are responsible, however, for any extraneous course-related fees.

  1. Apply for admission to the University with the Office of Admission.
  2. Contact the academic department of the course the student would like to enroll in to obtain an audit class permit.
  3. Submit the class permit to the Office of Registration and Records for processing.

Continuing Education

Registration for continuing education courses is coordinated by the Office of Teaching and Learning.