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Aging Well

NDSU Agriculture Extension - Aging Well

Aging well refers to the process of maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health and vitality as individuals grow older. It encompasses adopting healthy lifestyle practices, staying socially engaged, and fostering a positive mindset to enhance overall well-being in the later stages of life. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced and active lifestyle to promote longevity, independence, and a high quality of life throughout the aging process.

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older adult couple reading magazine on couch
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Aging in Place

Offering guidance to those who wish to stay in their homes for as long as possible.
woman smiling at mom in sitting in a wheelchair
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Family Caregiving

Family caregiving can be rewarding.
older couple exercising outside
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Health and Well-being

The health and well-being of older adults includes physical, psychological and social well-being.
Aging Well Programs
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An older man standing on a running path looking at his mobile device. He's wearing athletic clothing and earbuds.
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Fit & Strong!

Fit & Strong! is a 12-week program that includes 60-minutes of exercise and 30-minutes of group discussion/health education
Stepping On

Stepping On

Stepping On is a national evidence-based program designed to help older adults take control of their fall risks, explore coping behaviors and use safety strategies in everyday life.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

NDSU Extension provides statewide coordination for this national program. Over the course of six weeks, family caregivers learn about tools needed to take care of themselves. If family caregivers learn to take good care of themselves, they will be better prepared to take good care of their loved ones.
Tai Ji Quan - Moving for Better Balance

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance (TJQMBB) is a national evidence-based program designed to help older adult improve both static and dynamic postural stability, mindful control of body positioning in space, and more.
Aging Well Events
Start Date
This training is for those who want to co-lead the dynamic workshop for family caregivers.
Results: 1 - 1 of 1 1
Learn more about aging well
Grandparents occurs in a variety of unique circumstances, including situations of divorce, immigration, blended families or other contexts. This bulletin explores grandparenting in unique circumstances and how grandparents can navigate…
Understanding the impact of sensory loss through aging. Understanding these changes can help individuals adapt. Adapting to sensory loss is important for older adults to maintain their independent living
Our ability to interact with and connect to family members is integral, especially for those older individuals in the second half of life. Parent-child connections are a core family attachment. Parents and children often exchange practical…
Grandparenting at a distance is more common in today's era. If separated by distance, grandparents may have concerns about missing important milestones or losing touch with grandkids. This bulletin shares strategies for using communication…
Grandparents often extend financial help to grandchildren. Grandparents can assist a grandchild with financial needs, make investments in a grandchild's future, and teach money management lessons. This bulletin highlights key ideas and…
Results: 1 - 5 of 5 1


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