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Managing Stress

A family wals away from the camera through tall yellow grass toward an old barn with no paint on it. Two of the children can be seen in the distance, closer to the barn, the two parents and another child are closer to the camera.

Farming and ranching are stressful - adverse weather, disease, regulations, volatile commodity prices, family dynamics, and financial worries are constant. These resources can help you manage that stress.


Do You Need Immediate Help?

Constant stress can build and eventually take a heavy toll on your outlook.

Farmers and ranchers are unique business owners. Not only are they self-employed, there is often no separation between home and work. Failure affects not only your business but your whole lifestyle.

If you find yourself or someone you know beginning to exhibit unusual behavior such as lack of focus/motivation, uncharacteristic anger, or alcohol abuse, it may be time to evaluate stress levels and the overall farm/ranch situation. If you feel or see a problem please do not ignore it. NDSU Extension has resources that address the many areas of stress.

People often don’t get the help they need simply because they don’t know where to begin. If you are dealing with thoughts of depression or anxiety talk to your primary care physician and ask about available mental health services. If you don’t have a doctor, here are some resources you can use and services you can reach out to.

If the situation is potentially life-threatening, get immediate emergency assistance by dialing 9-1-1.

Find Someone to Contact for Help
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Sometimes you need help. Sometimes you are help. This flow chart outlines the process of responding to distressed people.
Working together under pressure, shifting roles, and holding down more than one job add up to one thing – high stress levels for farm or ranch couples. However, by being thoughtful, communicating clearly and relaxing together, a husband…
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Each person is affected differently by stress, and becoming familiar with common ways in which stress affects a person is helpful. This publication is part of a series called Managing Stress and Pursuing Wellness in Times of Tight Margins.
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Sean Brotherson, Professor/Family Science Specialist

Adriana Drusini, Extension Program Coordinator – Farm and Ranch Stress