FSA Webinar Series 2020
The webinar series started April 2020 and highlighted some of the available programs and the sign-up processes, along with the latest information on how FSA still is open for business and servicing customers safely and remotely while USDA Service Center doors remain locked during this time of social distancing.

Webinar archive
November 16, 2020
Learn about expanded eligibility for certain commodities, new payment categories including a Sales-based approach to specialty crops and other specific commodities, and information on how to apply for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2.0). North Dakota FSA will cover the following topics
- Sales Commodities, Specialty Crops & Specialty Livestock
- Livestock Dairy, Eggs, & Broilers
- Acreage Based Crops
- Payment Limitations and Compliance
November 16, 2020 webinar recording; and Webinar PowerPoint
June 4, 2020
NDSU Extension, FSA to Host Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Webinar
On May 26 the Farm Service Agency (FSA) started accepting applications for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). CFAP provides direct relief to producers who faced price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19. Producers that intend to apply for assistance through the CFAP will have an opportunity to learn about the program.
June 4 webinar recording; June 4 Webinar PowerPoint
April 15, 2020
Conservation Programs, Wanda Braton
Soil Health Income Protection Program (SHIPP), Grassland Reserve Program, Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP)
April 15 webinar; April 15 Webinar PowerPoint
April 22, 2020
April 22 webinar April 22 Handout: COVID Loan Programs
FSA Loan Programs, Ryan Lindbom and Matt Prindiville
Farm Storage Facility Loans (FSLF), Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL), and Direct and Guaranteed Loans
April 29, 2020
Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) signup, 2020 PLC yield update, acreage reporting and payment eligibility with Laura Heinrich, Ron Duvall and Mary Radermacher
April 29 webinar; April 29 Webinar PowerPoint