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Soil Fertility

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Yield Impact of Seed-placed Nitrogen Fertilization of Wheat

ESN was the only slow release N fertilizer that showed no negative impact when applied with seeds, even at 90 lbs N.
Urea treated with nitrogen stabilizer after five days on soil surface
Photo Credit:
Jasper Teboh

Considerations for Use of Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers

Many formulations of urea fertilizers or chemicals to treat urea are on the market today. Only a few are effective at protecting the fertilizer from quickly losing N.
Learn More About Soil Fertility
Objectives of this study are to diversify cropping systems dominated by small grains with other crops as well as reduce costs in finishing beef animals by grazing high quality crops rather than all grain.
Nitrogen is lost from soil through the activity of soil bacterial transformation of ammonium to nitrate, and from nitrate, the N can be lost leaching or denitrifcation. There are chemistries available that inhibit the transformation of…
A study funded in part by the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council, was conducted to evaluate the ability of two products to supplement some or all of the N required to grow a corn crop in North Dakota.
Chemistry of clays in North Dakota vary between locations. Clay chemistry affects tillage choice, resistance of soil to compaction and potassium crop nutrient availability. This publication provides insight into reasons for clay…
Most of the nutrient recommendations for North Dakota crops were revised this year. For these crops and for minor crops that do not have a specific nutrient circular, this publication summarizes 27 crops or crop categories.
This is a production reference to highlight pinto bean fertilizer research.
A study to examine the performance of pinto bean with selected treatments of phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), and sulfur (S) starter and post-applied fertilizer.
Research from 2011 to 2013 has resulted in a data base that supports the use of active-optical sensors to direct side-dress N rate in corn. Previously, rates were determined using a grower's best guess.
Up until now, there has been no scientific method to determine whether or not a late-season N application would be helpful to increase protein or not. The information in this publication will help growers/crop consultants make this…
Although some states have algorithms for directing top-dress wheat N rates, until now North Dakota did not have any. These algorithms will assist growers in determining whether or not in-season N rates are necessary and help them determine…
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